Harnessing strategic knowledge for impactful transformation.

What We Do

We make your knowledge work for you.

We transform disorganized content into actionable insights for collaborative learning and adapting. Clients gain efficiency and competitive advantage.

We bridge the gap between people and the knowledge they need. Teams become more effective, innovation thrives.

We specialize in critical knowledge retention and transfer to enhance overall organizational resilience and adaptability.

We design intuitive taxonomies and ontologies that make critical information discoverable. End the frustration of wasted search time with more contextualized and complex search results.

We know how to spark and sustain meaningful knowledge exchange. Your organization's wisdom becomes accessible and collaborative.

Our knowledge portals and intranets are designed for the way people actually work. See increased adoption and engagement.

We partner with you to identify and teach humans expertise in prompt engineering around key knowledge processes for gen AI success.

Service Offerings

  • Knowledge retention and transfer (KRT) is a critical process within organizations to ensure the capture, dissemination, and application of valuable expertise. It focuses on retaining knowledge possessed by experienced employees and strategically transferring it to others, particularly new hires or those assuming new roles. This promotes continuity of operations, fosters innovation through the sharing of best practices, and mitigates the risk of knowledge loss due to staff turnover.

  • Knowledge and information management (KIM) provides a range of strategic gains for organizations. By systematically capturing, organizing, and making knowledge accessible, KIM empowers better decision-making based on insights rather than guesswork. This leads to improved problem-solving capabilities, enhanced customer service, and the acceleration of innovation. Additionally, KIM streamlines operations by reducing the time spent searching for information and minimizes the risk of errors from duplicated efforts. Overall, KIM drives competitive advantage and fosters organizational agility in a rapidly changing business environment.

  • Communities of practice (CoPs) and collaboration communities offer a fertile ground for enhanced knowledge sharing and innovation. These groups bring together individuals with shared interests, expertise, and goals. Within CoPs, members freely exchange ideas, troubleshoot problems collectively, and share best practices. This open flow of knowledge breaks down silos, reduces redundant efforts, and accelerates learning curves. Moreover, the collaborative nature of CoPs sparks innovation by providing a safe environment for experimentation, combining diverse perspectives, and building upon the insights of others. This drives continuous improvement and can lead to breakthrough solutions that might not emerge in isolation.

  • Enterprise portals empower today's digital workforce by:

    Serving as a centralized hub for information and tools, boosting productivity.

    Facilitating collaboration and communication, breaking down silos and driving innovation.

    Streamlining business processes, enhancing efficiency and responsiveness.

    Improving user experience, promoting higher engagement and adoption.

    Preserving institutional knowledge, mitigating risks associated with staff turnover.

  • Ontologies are instrumental in addressing complex and contextual queries in knowledge domains for several key reasons:

    Semantic Understanding: Ontologies define concepts, their properties, and the relationships between them within a domain. This creates a machine-readable representation of knowledge that goes beyond keywords, enabling search systems to understand the meaning and context of a query.

    Inferred Knowledge: Ontologies support reasoning and inference. This means that even if specific information isn't explicitly stated, systems can deduce new facts based on the logical relationships defined within the ontology. This adds greater depth to search results.

    Disambiguation: Ontologies help resolve ambiguity in natural language. Concepts with multiple meanings can be precisely defined within the ontology, ensuring systems don't misinterpret the user's intent.

    Knowledge Integration: Ontologies can link different knowledge domains, facilitating queries that span multiple areas of expertise. This allows systems to draw connections and provide a more comprehensive and holistic response.

  • Human Experts must drive, not just participate, in the loop between key knowledge processes and Gen AI tools. Master prompt engineering expertise to enhance decision-making, increase competitive advantage, drive innovation to lead in your field. Knowsaic partners with ROM Global experts to bring this service offering to your organization.

About & Contact

Liz McLean, Principal


Knowsaic [no-ZAY-ik] is a blend word for knowledge mosaic. The consultancy is based in the Washington DC US region.

Knowsaic’s principal is Elizabeth F. McLean, MSLS, CKM, CKS-Knowledge Transfer, CKS-Business Taxonomies and Ontologies, and Semantic Web Associate, has over 20 years of experience in the field of knowledge and information management and library and information science. Liz’s human-centered approach to solving information and knowledge flow blockers between people, processes, and cultures informs her drive and passion to keep the right knowledge assets accessible and discoverable to project teams for collaborative learning and adapting.

Liz’s current obsessions include knowledge graphs, ontologies, applying linked data for the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals to disparate development collections, dahlias, and creating art from her pressed flowers.

Knowsaic also partners with ROM Global, one of the biggest, most experienced and well recognized Knowledge Management firms in the world.